There is not a weight loss method on earth that doesn't require some effort from you!
Now that all the "I thought there was a magic pill" readers have reported me to the PC Police for abuse, we can carry on. The truth is this: one study (WebMD) showed that as much as 15 % of gastric bypass patients do not lose a successful amount of weight; some due to metabolic make up.
That sucks!
Another study showed that subjects regained an average of 73.4% of their weight loss during the first three years.
The really sucks! That means out of my 1000 friends 734 of you are going to fail.
I have finished 2 years of my journey and allow me to make some observations.
- Some of the people that fail can be found in the cookie aisle.
- My friends who have succeeded in really getting their weight under control are active, very active!
- I don't think any of my friends are really on a cheat meal regimen. It's more like life that has parties and holidays and you roll with it.
- Cleansing is counting poop as weight loss.
- The ones who disappear are usually defending their right to eat anything they want as long as it's within their calories for the day.
- The ones that win seem to understand ditching the junk food, the soda and the oceans of processed food, are part of the lifestyle change.
- Losing weight is only one part of being fit. It might have gotten you started, but it won't keep you going.
- There are lots of so called "answers" about what to eat, when to eat,
- Reading the label can save your life. And not just if you are allergic to nuts. You can avoid too much sugar, sodium and other chemicals you can't even pronounce.
- Checking menus for restaurants BEFORE you go out to eat is what successful people do.
- Biking is for runners who like to coast. ;)
- Eating salad is healthy, but not with high calorie dressing. There are a host of supposedly healthy choices that are not. Many yogurts, snack bars and lots of whole and natural food offerings are loaded with sugars.
- Most canned food is loaded with sodium and so are frozen diet meals and even some "all natural" foods.
- Not paying attention can end you up in the cookie aisle.
I want to be in the percentage that is successful, and I want you to be there too!
Thanks for the shares and comments.
If you like this blog, be sure to stay connected for the release of my new book, ICU 2 Marathon - Diaries of a Nearly Dead Man!
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